Hosting condiviso più veloce su server performanti SSD
Alta velocità di caricamento per il tuo sito web
Spazio web
5GB (single domain)
5 caselle
Certificato SSL
Incluso (Let's Encrypt)
Assistenza tecnica
24/7 (Ticket)
Pannello di controllo
Plesk Obsidian (18.x)
A partire da € 30 + IVA (all'anno).
Spazio aggiuntivo 5GB: € 30 + IVA (all'anno).
Perchè scegliere Hosting SSD?
Se cerchi un piano hosting veloce e perfomante a un costo contenuto, Hosting SSD è la soluzione adatta a te!
I server SSD garantiscono velocità di elaborazione e caricamento molto maggiore rispetto ai server tradizionali garantendo così un'esperienza di navigazione più piacevole ai vostri utenti.
APP in a clic
Creating your website has never been so fast and easy.
Automatically install Wordpress and many more web applications.
Choose the application
Choose between more than 250 web application to build your website easily. Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Prestashop, Magento and many more
Automatic installation
Automatically install a webapp on your webspace. The system creates and configures the database and initial settings of the webapp on your behalf
You're ready for the web
You already got everything you need to build your website easily and fast.
Premium security on all our servers
We care for security!
ImunifyAV and BitNinja Server Security are installed on all of our server to assure you with the top notch protection
With the advanced Web Application Firewall, HoneyPots, global blacklists and real time malware scanner, your file will be always safe.
CMS Support and other webapps
Included with every shared hosting plan
Our hosting plans already includes everything you need.
1Gbit/s connection
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited traffic
99.8% Uptime
Unlimited FTP users
Free support 24/7
Plesk Obsidian Control panel
Built-in File Manager
Backup Manager
CMS Auto-Install
RoundCube Webmail
Antivirus and antispam
SSD Database
All versions
Ruby support
DNS and Nameservers management
Web statistics
Hosting Upgrade and Downgrade